Hello Everyone,
REET Latest Admit Card 2021. Welcome to our Job Posting Website www.freejobsalertt.com.The Rajasthan government which is conducting the BSER REET Teacher 2021 exam has been released and held on 26th September 2021. All the candidates who want to participate in this exam please read the all information REET Rajasthan Eligibility Examination For Teacher exam 2021 Online Application Form, Admit Card, Result, Merit List, Cut off Marks, Eligibility Criteria, Selection Process, How to Apply, and download your REET Latest Admit Card 2021. details are given below…
REET Latest Admit Card 2021.
Name of Authority | REET 2021 (Rajasthan Eligibility Examination For Teacher) |
Official Website | www.reetbser21.com |
Exam For | REET Rajasthan Eligibility Examination For Teacher exam 2021 |
Total Categories-wise post | 32000 posts |
Apply Mode | Online |
सभी को नमस्कार! आरईईटी नवीनतम एडमिट कार्ड 2021। हमारी नौकरी पोस्टिंग वेबसाइट www.freejobsalertt.com पर आपका स्वागत है। राजस्थान सरकार जो बीएसईआर आरईईटी शिक्षक 2021 परीक्षा आयोजित कर रही है, 26 सितंबर 2021 को जारी और आयोजित की गई है। सभी उम्मीदवार जो इस परीक्षा में भाग लेना चाहते हैं। कृपया शिक्षक परीक्षा 2021 के लिए आरईईटी राजस्थान पात्रता परीक्षा ऑनलाइन आवेदन पत्र, एडमिट कार्ड, परिणाम, मेरिट सूची, कट ऑफ मार्क्स, पात्रता मानदंड, चयन प्रक्रिया, आवेदन कैसे करें, और अपना आरईईटी नवीनतम एडमिट कार्ड 2021 डाउनलोड करें। विवरण पढ़ें। नीचे दिया गया…
Vacancy Details
Category | No. of Top candidates |
General | non TSP [60] or TSP [60] |
Vikalang or handicapped | 50 |
OBC/SC/EWS | 55 |
Widow ladies and ex serviceman | 50 |
ST | non-TSP [55] or TSP [36] |
There are a total number of candidates that can be slightly 366 if the ranks and scores are tied.
REET exam 2021 eligibility for Class 1 to 5
first of all, the candidate must be passed at least 50% marks in senior secondary or its equivalent and also appearing in the final year of a 2-year diploma in elementary education.
or the second point you note that the candidate must be passed at least 45% marks and passed a 2-year diploma in elementary education in accordance with NCTE that is Recognition, Norms and Procedure and regulation 2002.
or this point you must note that the candidate must be passed at least 50% marks and passed or appearing in the final year of a 4-year bachelor of elementary education{B.EL.ED}.
or fourth you must note that the candidate must be passed at least 50% marks or appearing in the final year of a 2-year diploma in education or special education.
or at last or fifth point you must know that the candidate must be graduated and two-year diplomas in elementary education passed.
REET exam 2021 eligibility for Class 6 to 8
first of all, the candidate must be passed or Graduated and a 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education passed.
or the second point you note that the candidate must be passed at least 50% marks either in Graduation or Post Graduation and B.Ed. passed or appearing in the final year
of Bachelor in Education (B.Ed).
or the third point you must note that the candidate must be passed at least 45% marks and 1-year B.Ed. passed, in accordance with the NCTE, or graduated. Regulations are issued from time to time in this regard.
or fourth you must note that the candidate must be passed at least 50% marks or appearing in the final year of senior secondary or it’s equivalent) 4- year Bachelor in Elementary Education (B.El.Ed).
or the fifth point you must know that the candidate must be Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and passed or appearing in the final year of 4- year B.A. /B.Sc.Ed. or B.A.Ed./B.Sc.Ed.
or at last the sixth point you must note that the candidate must be graduated or post-graduated with at least 50% marks and 1-year B.ED passed or appearing in the final year of B.ED.
Application Fees
General/ OBC for 1 exam | Rs550/- |
for both | Rs750/- |
Important Dates
The Application Begin | 11/01/2021 to 08/02/2021 at 12 pm only. |
Last Date for Apply Online | 20/09/2021upto 05 PM only. |
Admit Card | Within a week before the exam |
Result | Notified soon |
Exam held on | 25/04/2021 for class 1 to 5 is 2.30 to 5.00 pm or class 6 to 8 is 2.30 to 5.00 pm |
Selection Process
Round I | Written Exam |
Round II | Verification of Certificate |
Useful Links
Official Website | Click Here |
Download admit card | Download Here |
REET Latest Admit Card 2021 Application Form.
The Rajasthan Eligibility Examination For Teachers board of Rajasthan Ajmer will be invited to the Career Opportunity for those candidates who candidate who wanted to get a job in REET. and complete their dream to teach the children and give them their knowledge.
Eligible aspirants can fill the REET Latest Admit Card 2021 or Application Online via the official website.
End of the page we provided the REET Latest Admit Card 2021. how to fill up and how to check the result before filling application form please read the official notification and other detail given on the official website
REET Latest Admit Card 2021. How to Apply
Please follow the steps to apply for REET Latest Admit Card 2021 Online form
First of all, visit the official website of REET.
The home page will open on the computer screen.
Fill the login id
Your Password
Then enter the Security pin
Scan your Original Documents like Class 10 and Class 12 Certificate or other graduate degrees.
Photo and Signature Scan and copy
Pay application fees online
Upload your all required documents and check your all details
Take a printout of the application form.
REET Latest Admit Card 2021. Admit card
The candidates who have applied for the REET Latest Admit Card 2021. are able to download admit card before a week of REET Latest Admit Card 2021 or at this time the admit card will be released so click the link given below to download the admit card.
The REET Latest Admit Card 2021 will be uploaded to the IIT JEE Advanced official website. Aspirants save it by providing their login details.
Aspirants please take a printout of the Application form and Admit Card because it contains all relevant details related to the candidate and exam.
Candidates have to bring the following ID proof along with Admit card and Covid report.
Aadhar Card
PAN Card
Voter ID
College ID
Covid vaccination proof
Note: Aspirants will be allowed to appear for the REET Latest Admit Card 2021 Written Test/ Computer Proficiency Test (CPT)/ Viva-voce only with a valid Admit Card and not with the Registration Slip.
REET Latest Admit Card 2021 Result.
All the Candidates who have participated in the exam can check the REET Latest Admit Card 2021. within a month of the examination.
The JEE Advance Merit List and Cut off Marks will be announced on the official website.
REET Latest Admit Card 2021. How to Check Result
Log in to the official website
Click on the result link
Please enter mentioned details
The REET exam cutoff marks and Results will appear on the screen.
Moreover, candidates if have any doubts or questions regarding the REET Latest exam 2021. can freely drop a question on below comment box. Thanks for connecting to our job search engine.
About REET exam 2021.
so here we know about the REET exam that what type of exam is this and when we qualify for this exam then can we get the job in the teaching line. Rajasthan Eligibility Examination for Teacher (REET), also known as Rajasthan Teacher Eligibility Test (RTET), is a state-level competitive exam which is conducted by the Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan (BSER) to certify candidates for employment as teachers in the state.
By qualifying for the REET exam you must sure that you will get a job in the teaching line by Rajasthan Government. The REET Salary is expected to be Rs. 23,700 for 3rd Grade Teachers in 2021. This salary is as per the state government’s revised pay scale (2017)
How to crack the REET exam 2021.
First of all, you have enough preparation that you have cleared the graduation and 12th board Exam so that at this time you will avoid selective study, no shortcut method should be followed. you should clear you all concept via your teacher. if you have not covered any topic or question then first you have to cover this and then you make a question on the topic and solve it.
So there are four parts that you have to cover up in the REET 1 class 1 to 5 exam 2021. first- child development and pedagogy second – a language I like Hindi, Sindhi, English, Sanskrit, Urdu, Punjabi, and Gujarati. third- language II like Hindi, Sindhi, English, Sanskrit, Urdu, Punjabi, and Gujarati and fourth- Mathematics and science for maths and science Teacher Social Science for Social Science Teachers and fifth environmental studies.
for REET 2 class 6 to 8 =first- child development and pedagogy second – a language I like Hindi, Sindhi, English, Sanskrit, Urdu, Punjabi, and Gujarati. third- language II like Hindi, Sindhi, English, Sanskrit, Urdu, Punjabi, and Gujarati and fourth- Mathematics and science for maths and science Teacher Social Science for Social Science Teachers
the total marks are 150 in the first exam all subjects contain 30 no. of question and 30 no. of marks each and you have to clear the exam in the 2 hours and 30 minutes. so you do have no extra time for wasting I will suggest you that keep practicing the question and solve them, again and again, to qualify for the exam because the candidates are more but the seats are fewer.
the total marks are 150 in the second exam all subjects contain 30 no. of the question except maths and science and 30 no. of marks each except maths and science this subject contain 60 marks and you have to clear the exam in the 2 hours and 30 minutes. so you do have no extra time for wasting I will suggest you that keep practicing the question and solve them, again and again, to qualify for the exam because the candidates are more but the seats are fewer.
first of you make strategy and make the best time table in which you obey this time table strictly or contact the teachers for any query and to solve some topics and the main thing you have to read the best book to clear the exam so select them and then study them in brief so you crack this exam easily.
also, stay fit and focused because this is the time of Covid third wave so eat healthy food, take proper sleep, do exercise and meditation stay in touch with mentor or tutor because in order to achieve the goal or crack the exam you have to stay fit and healthy not only physically as well as mentally.
All the best for your exam I hope you all give your best in the exam. in REET Latest Admit Card 2021 was released.
Previous Year Question paper
If you want to crack the exam and know about the exam pattern of this exam you may have to solve the previous year’s exam download them by their official website or by teachers.
Note: All participants please read the official notification of the exam before applying for this exam
(Information Given in the post Is for quick reference only. Do not completely believe in it. For all the further detail candidate should read the document/notification/advertisement, confirm all the detail about the job before applying. We are not responsible for any circumstances.)
About the author
Hey guys, My name is Aashish jangra. I am a Digital Marketer. Here www.freejobsalertt.com is the official website. I feel this is essential to give all jobs information in one place so here you know about the latest jobs like, NEET UG/PG, IIT JEE Mains, IIT JEE Advanced, SSC, HSSC, Army, Airforce, Bank jobs, Central Government Jobs, Railway job, State Government job, State police job, India postal job, UPSC job or also I provide you the best relevant book to help to crack the exam.
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