How To Prepare for UPSC CMS Online | Syllabus | Free Books & Mock Test


Preparing for the UPSC CMS Online exam requires a structured study plan and a thorough understanding of the exam pattern and syllabus. As a preparation guide, here are some steps you can follow:

  1. Understand the Exam Pattern and Syllabus: Familiarize yourself with the exam pattern, which consists of two stages – a computer-based online examination, followed by an interview. The exam syllabus covers topics related to general medicine, pediatrics, surgery, gynecology & obstetrics, and preventive & social medicine.
  2. Plan your study time so that you cover all the topics on the syllabus. You should plan your study schedule so that it balances your other commitments and your study time.
  3. Gather Study Materials: Collect all the necessary study materials, including textbooks, reference books, previous year question papers, and mock test papers.
  4. Practice Time Management: The UPSC CMS online exam has a time limit. Practice time management while solving mock tests to ensure you complete the exam within the time frame.
  5. Solve Mock Tests: Solve mock tests and practice the previous year’s question papers to assess your preparation level. Strengths and weaknesses can also be identified this way.
  6. Stay Updated: Stay updated with the current events, as questions related to current affairs can be asked in the exam. You can read newspapers, watch news channels, and follow current affairs websites to stay updated.
  7. Revision: Revise regularly to ensure that you retain the information you have learned. Also, try to practice writing short notes to help you remember important topics.
  8. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle: Along with studying, maintaining a healthy lifestyle by eating nutritious food, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly is essential to keep your mind and body in good condition.

By following these steps, you can prepare effectively for the UPSC CMS online exam and increase your chances of success.

What is the syllabus of UPSC CMS Online 2023

The syllabus for UPSC CMS (Combined Medical Services) 2023 exam has not been officially released yet. However, based on the previous year’s exam pattern and syllabus, the following is an outline of the expected syllabus:

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Paper I:

  1. First of General Medicine includes UPSC CMS Cardiology, Neurology, Dermatology, and Psychiatry
  2. Pediatrics
  3. Surgery including ENT, Ophthalmology, Traumatology, and Orthopedics
  4. Preventive and Social Medicine

Paper II:

  1. Gynecology and Obstetrics
  2. Preventive and Social Medicine

The syllabus for Paper I covers topics related to clinical knowledge, diagnosis, and treatment of various medical conditions. The syllabus for Paper II covers gynecology, obstetrics, and preventive medicine, including health policies and programs.

The questions in both papers are expected to test the candidate’s understanding of the subject, problem-solving skills, and ability to apply medical knowledge to practical situations.

It is recommended that candidates keep an eye on the official UPSC CMS notification for 2023 to get the latest updates on the syllabus and exam pattern.

which Book is best for upsc cms preparation 2023

There are many books available for UPSC CMS (Combined Medical Services) preparation. Here are some of the popular ones chosen by Specialists.

  1. Combined Medical Services: Dr. Pritesh Singh’s Solved Papers for UPSC CMS Examination
  2. UPSC CMS Combined Medical Services Examination Guide by RPH Editorial Board
  3. CBS Combined Medical Services UPSC Entrance Examination by Dr. Prakash Nayak
  4. Objective General Science for UPSC, PSC, SSC, Railway Recruitment Board, and Other Examinations by BK Editorial Board
  5. Vivek Jain’s review of preventive and social medicine (including biostatistics)
  6. Self-Assessment and Review Medicine for Students by Dr. Mudit Khanna
  7. Medicine for Dental Students by Satish Chandra

It is important to note that the UPSC CMS exam is not just based on theoretical knowledge but also on practical application. Therefore, it is recommended that candidates practice solving previous years’ question papers and take mock tests regularly to assess their preparation level.

It is also advisable to refer to standard textbooks prescribed during MBBS to gain a comprehensive understanding of the subject. Additionally, candidates can also take guidance from their teachers or mentors to supplement their preparation.

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Ultimately, the choice of books for UPSC CMS preparation depends on the candidate’s preference and learning style.

Best online coaching for UPSC cms

There are several online coaching platforms available that offer UPSC CMS (Combined Medical Services) coaching. Here are some of the popular ones:

  1. Byju’s: Byju’s is a well-known online learning platform that offers UPSC CMS coaching through recorded video lectures, live classes, and practice tests. They also provide personalized mentoring and doubt-clearing sessions.
  2. Unacademy: Unacademy is a popular online platform that offers UPSC CMS coaching through live classes, recorded video lectures, and practice tests. They also provide personalized mentoring, doubt-clearing sessions, and study materials.
  3. Dr. Bhatia Medical Coaching Institute (DBMCI): DBMCI is a renowned coaching institute that offers UPSC CMS coaching online through video lectures, study materials, and online tests. They also provide personalized mentoring and doubt-clearing sessions.
  4. Marrow: Marrow is a popular platform that offers UPSC CMS coaching through video lectures, live classes, and practice tests. They provide personalized mentoring and doubt-clearing sessions, along with study materials.
  5. MedExam: MedExam is an online platform that offers UPSC CMS coaching through video lectures, live classes, and practice tests. They also provide personalized mentoring, doubt-clearing sessions, and study materials.

It is advisable to do research on different coaching platforms, compare their features, and read reviews before selecting one. It is also important to complement online coaching with self-study, practice tests, and regular revision to improve the chances of success in the UPSC CMS exam.

What is the UPSC CMS Salary

UPSC CMS (Combined Medical Services) is a prestigious examination conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) for the recruitment of medical officers in various government departments and organizations. The salary of UPSC CMS-appointed candidates varies based on the post and organization they are recruited in.

The entry-level salary of a UPSC CMS-appointed candidate as a Medical Officer is around Rs.56,000-70,000 per month, which may vary slightly based on the posting location and the organization they are recruited in. Along with the basic pay, they may also receive allowances such as Dearness Allowance, House Rent Allowance, Medical Allowance, etc.

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It is important to note that the salary and allowances may vary based on the rules and regulations of the organization in which the candidate is recruited, and there may be variations in different states or regions of India.

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What is the Exam pattern of UPSC CMS 2023?

As of my knowledge cutoff of September 2021, the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) had not yet released the official notification for the UPSC CMS 2023 examination. However, based on the previous year’s pattern, the expected exam pattern for UPSC CMS 2023 is as follows:

Stage 1: Computer-Based Examination (Part-I)

The Part-I examination is a computer-based test that is objective in nature and consists of multiple-choice questions. It is further divided into two papers:

Paper-I: General Medicine and Pediatrics (Maximum Marks- 250; Duration- 2 hours) Paper-II: Surgery, Gynecology & Obstetrics, and Preventive & Social Medicine (Maximum Marks- 250; Duration- 2 hours)

Stage 2: Personality Test (Part II)

The Part-II examination is a personality test or an interview conducted by the UPSC to assess the candidate’s overall personality, knowledge, and communication skills. (Maximum Marks- 100)

Note: The final selection of the candidate is made based on their performance in both stages of the examination.

It is advisable for candidates to keep checking the official website of UPSC for the latest updates and notifications regarding the UPSC CMS 2023 examination pattern and syllabus.

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What is the eligibility criteria for UPSC CMS exam?

The eligibility criteria for UPSC CMS exam include having a medical degree from a recognized university or institution, age limit between 21 to 32 years, and meeting other criteria related to nationality, physical fitness, and character.

What is the syllabus for UPSC CMS exam?

The syllabus for UPSC CMS exam includes topics related to General Medicine, Pediatrics, Surgery, Gynecology & Obstetrics, and Preventive & Social Medicine. The syllabus covers both theoretical and practical knowledge related to the field of medical science.

How can I apply for UPSC CMS exam?

Candidates can apply for UPSC CMS exam by filling the application form online on the official website of UPSC. The application process usually starts a few months before the exam date. Candidates need to pay the application fee and submit the required documents as per the guidelines mentioned in the official notification.
