District and Session Court Latest Job 2021.

District and Session Court Jalandhar

District and Session Court Jalandhar, There are a total number of 20 new posts or vacancies for the Process Server and Peon released by District and Session Judge Jalandhar. So read the full article to know about how to fill the form, their qualification, age, pay scale, etc.  For the process server and peon job.


District and Session Judge Jalandhar Vacancy 2021- 20 new posts for Process Server and Peon.

जिला एवं सत्र न्यायाधीश जालंधर द्वारा जारी प्रोसेस सर्वर और चपरासी के लिए कुल 20 नए पद या रिक्तियां हैं। तो प्रोसेस सर्वर और चपरासी की नौकरी के लिए फॉर्म कैसे भरें, उनकी योग्यता, आयु, वेतनमान आदि के बारे में जानने के लिए पूरा लेख पढ़ें।

Hey guys this is the detail about this job.so I hope you all participants give your best in this exam and get the job. Read our other jobs articles. All The Best for your exam.

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District And Session Court Judge, Jalandhar


District And Session Court Judge, Jalandhar
Education Qualification 5th/8th/10th have must know Punjabi language and more about click on the official notification link given below.Payscale Process server=Rs. 4900-10680-+1800/-Peon=Rs.4900-10680-+1800/-
Application Fees Office of the district and session judge Jalandhar.Age limit Min: 18 years Max: 35 years Age relaxation is applicable then it would be as per rules and more details are given in the official notification.
Selection Process As per rules and regulations of District and Session Judge.
Important Dates 03rd September 2021 is the Notification Date. 21st September 2021 is the last date Date of interview or checking of testimonial is 05.10.2021 onwards for process Server Post. 07.10.2021 onwards for peon post (including Waterman, peon, orderly, chowkidar, mali, sweeper, etc.
How to apply/new registration Candidates are required to fill up the complete form. So if you don’t know how to fill up the form the candidate must read the paragraph given below. In this paragraph, you know how to fill up the application form step by step and then, at last, send their application form via speed post/courier to the given address. (before applying the candidate must read the notification given below).  
Contact details You can contact for more details or any query by their official website: click here.
District and Session Court Judge Jalandhar, process Server and peon jobs 20 post Recruitment 2021
Admit Card (Available Soon)
Answer key/Result (Available Soon)

Post Name: Process Server

District and Session Court Jalandhar. There is a total of 16 posts  – 04 posts 01 for S.C,02 for Ex. Servicemen and 01 for Handicapped and the candidate will be matriculating (10th passed) with knowledge of Punjabi language so the pay scale is Rs. 4900-10680-+1800/-

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 The Age of the Candidate as of 01.01.2021 should be between 18 to 35 years for General Category. Relaxation of age will be given to the candidates of reserved categories as per rules/instructions of the Hon’ble High Court as well as per Punjab Government.

 Candidates should report for Checking of testimonials/Interview at Judicial Court Complex, Opposite Maya Hotel, Jalandhar at 10:00 AM on following dates – 05.10.2021 onwards*

Post Name: peon (including Peon Orderly, Waterman, Mali, Sweeper etc.)

District and Session Court Jalandhar. There are a total of -10 posts For General,03 for B.C, 01 for Ex-servicemen and 01 for Ex-servicemen(B.C)  and the candidate will be matriculating (10th passed) with knowledge of Punjabi language so the pay scale is Rs. 4900-10680-+1800/-

 The Age of the Candidate as of 01.01.2021 should be between 18 to 35 years for General Category. Relaxation of age will be given to the candidates of reserved categories as per rules/instructions of the Hon’ble High Court as well as per Punjab Government.

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Candidates should report for Checking of testimonials/Interviews at Judicial Court Complex, Opposite Maya Hotel, Jalandhar at 10:00 AM on following dates – w. e. f 07.10.2021 onwards*

District and Session Court Judge Jalandhar .How to fill form.

  1. Your name in block letters.
  2. Your father name or husband name.
  3. Date of birth with their proof like birth certificate.
  4. You category like SC/BC/OBS and their certificate.
  5. Your nationality.
  6. Your communication address.
  7. Your telephone no.
  8. Knowledge of Punjabi language up to middle standard .
  9. Your education qualification or which board you have done or year of passing.
  10. Whether you are willing to work as Sweeper or not worked.
  11. You have any special skills.
  12. Any experience.
  13. Your place, date.
  14. At last your signature.
  15. Then post your application form

Note: all participants please read the official notification of the job before applying for this job.

(Information Given in the Post Is for quick reference only. Do not completely rely on it. For all the further detail candidate should read the document/notification/advertisement, confirm all the detail about the job before applying. We are not responsible for any circumstances.)

Useful Links

Official WebsiteClick Here
Official NotificationDownload Here
Application FormClick Here

About the author

Hey guys, My name is Aashish jangra. I am a Digital Marketer. Here www.freejobsalertt.com is the official website. I feel this is essential to give all jobs information in one place so here you know about the latest jobs like, NEET UG/PG, IIT JEE Mains, IIT JEE Advanced, SSC, HSSC, Army, Airforce, Bank jobs, Central Government Jobs, Railway job, State Government job, State police job, India postal job, UPSC job or also I provide you the best relevant book to help to crack the exam.

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